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Design Thinking (ART 231)

Materials for ART 231 Design Thinking: Inquiry and Innovation. The syllabus is below. Our class material can be found in the slides folder.

Table of contents
  1. Design Thinking (ART 231)
    1. Contact Me
    2. Syllabus
      1. What do I need for this class?
      2. What will I Learn by taking this course?
      3. How does the class work?
      4. How do I earn my grade?
        1. What deliverables will I use to document my grade?
        2. What specifications align with each grade?
          1. A: I live Design Thinking
          2. B: I could use Design Thinking in my life
          3. C: I understand Design Thinking
          4. D: I think I am awake
    3. Do I need a textbook?
      1. Honor Code

Contact Me

We will use Slack this semester. I am on Slack all day. If you want a quick response then contact me there.


‘In my mind, the overarching theme for all of our scholarly work at Brigham Young University-Idaho should be inspired inquiry and innovation. Let me repeat that: inspired inquiry and innovation. We are not like other institutions of higher education; we have access to the gifts of the Spirit, which cannot be quantified nor counted. There are simply things we cannot adequately define and describe about the process of teaching with the Spirit.’

Elder David A Bednar

What do I need for this class?

What will I Learn by taking this course?

The atmosphere of the class provides a safe laboratory to learn design thinking mindsets through real, hands-on activities. At the successful conclusion of this course you will be able to demonstrate:

  • a measured increase in the number of ideas generated during creative phases of the project.
  • a measured increase in the number of connections made between contrasting ideas during critical thinking phases of the project.
  • proficiency in composing actionable questions that define a given challenge.
  • proficiency in tailoring an innovative solution to a given challenge.
  • your process for tailoring & testing a solution for Desirability, Feasibly, and Viability.

Additionally this course will help you develop the spiritual gift of Inspired Inquiry. These skills will not be “quantified nor counted” in your final grade, however proficiency in these areas will improve your ability to master the previous stated outcomes. Students will learn how to:

  • open your mind and heart to new ideas by confidently asking the right questions.
  • practicing inductive reasoning to reveal new opportunities by connecting contrasting ideas
  • trust your intuition and confidently express your opinions in large and small groups
  • learn how to find a unified path forward

How does the class work?

In this class, you will be working on real-world challenges on a real team. You earn your grade, but you will not be able to pass the class on your own. Knowing how the class works will reduce frustration and guarantee your success. The following provides a rough description of the activities you will experience in this class.

Team Research Projects: This course has 2-3 team research projects. Your assigned student coach will support your team through the innovation projects. Design Thinking techniques will generate a measurable experiment with actionable results. You must come to class with sufficient research to move the team project forward.

Design & Mindset Readings: These readings will help establish a way of thinking (mindset). You will want to read as quickly (and thoroughly) as possible to speak intelligently in the language of inquiry and innovation. Your Student Coach will note evidence of your reading as you participate in group discussions online and in person.

How do I earn my grade?

We will have a few tools to document our learning this semester. From the following tools, we will agree on a grade. Remember: as we focus on becoming, the grade should be a natural consequence.

What deliverables will I use to document my grade?

  • Design and mindset reading and presentation: To obtain your desired grade, you will need to complete semester hours of reading, class participation, and group discussion leads. As you participate, you will be responsible for keeping a journal of your reading and how your mindsets are developing.
  • Completing project hours: Each of the 2-3 projects will be time-intensive. You will need to put hours into your projects outside of the three class hours each week. You will need to complete semester hours of project support to earn your desired grade. Each class period is worth ‘$50’ an hour and each hour of study outside of class is worth ‘$10’ hour.
  • Becoming and grade request cover letter: Your one-page cover letter will document your growth and work in the course. The assignments and notes you keep during the semester should make this easy to complete at the end of the semester. You must request your final grade based on your hours and class participation.
  • Peer letter of recommendation: You will ask one of your group members to write you a half-page letter of recommendation that you will submit with your cover letter.
  • Exit Interview: During the last week of the semester, you will meet with me for a short exit interview. In this interview, you will present your cover letter, peer recommendation letter, and journal.
  • Group participation through attendance: See below for details.

Each day in class, you will have the opportunity to demonstrate progress in the mindsets through your preparation and participation in the activities. Outside of class, you will be able to apply the Design Thinking mindsets to your everyday life.

Submit the Becoming and grade request cover letter and complete the following hours to build the foundation for your learning (and final grade). As noted above, TA and teacher feedback can also change your grade. Remember: the course is about becoming, not getting a grade.

What specifications align with each grade?

We will use Harvest to track our learning time during the course. Your time will be tracked based on your ‘Billable amount’ shown at the end of the semester. Each hour of class is ‘billable’ at $50 an hour and all other hours are ‘billable’ at $10 an hour.

A: I live Design Thinking
  • Billable Hours: at least 2350 ($50-hour class & 40 hours outside at $10)
  • Discussion Lead: at least 3 readings discussion leads.
  • Peer letter of recommendation submitted
  • Grade request letter submitted
  • Exit interview completed
B: I could use Design Thinking in my life
  • Billable Hours: at least 2150 ($50 hour class & 25 hours outside at $10)
  • Discussion Lead: at least 2 readings discussion leads.
  • Grade request letter submitted
  • Exit interview completed
C: I understand Design Thinking
  • Billable Hours: at least 2100 ($50 hour class & 15 hours outside at $10)
  • Discussion Lead: at least 2 readings discussion leads.
  • Grade request letter submitted
D: I think I am awake
  • Billable Hours: less than $150 billable hours or more than 4 unexcused absences

Do I need a textbook?

We have recommended multiple books from which you can choose for your development reading time this semester. To meet your hours we recommend purchasing and reading at least one of the books on the list.

Honor Code

Our class will uphold the following as well. Specifically, class attendance depends on your support of the honor code dress and grooming standards and your academic honesty.

Table of contents